Online voting for next year’s Sports Union President, VP and Exec takes place from Monday 3rd March at 8am until Friday 7th March at Midday. All Sports Union members are invited to vote to select their representatives for next year!


Who can vote?
Anyone who is a member of the Sports Union can vote! If you are unable to vote for the Sports Union positions, but believe you should have access, please email
Why vote?
You want the right people representing you to make sure you have the best Sports Union experience, so the decision is in your hands!
Who is RON?
Re-Open Nominations. As a Sports Union, we want to make sure that the people representing have a really strong knowledge of the Sports Union so they can come in and hit the ground running in their new job! For this reason, the first round of nominations for Sports Union President is only open to those that have served on the Executive Committee, and our Vice Presidents and Executive Officers need to have been on their club committee or been an SU Ambassador. In some cases, there may be someone interested in the role but, for whatever reason, haven’t fulfilled the first round of criteria. In order to make sure the student’s get who they want, there is an option to Re-Open Nominations on your ballot!
How do you make sure the Executive Committee isn’t biased towards one big club?
Firstly, everyone on the Executive Committee is there to represent the entire Sports Union membership, irrespective of which club(s) they happen to be a part of. However, just to make sure we have representation from as many clubs as possible, without punishing candidates that happen to be from the same club as others who are interested in the role, we do not limit the number of candidates that can run from a given SU Club. However, when votes are counted, we will only accept the top two candidates from their chosen club, and the votes for the third highest will be redistributed in line with the voting system used and they will be removed at this stage.
How can someone run for VP and Exec?
It’s simple, we run the VP count first, and remove the winner from the Exec count. Those who miss out on VP are still able to get a position as an Executive Officer so long as they acquire enough votes in the Exec count!
What do the Exec do?
The Exec are involved in all the major decision making processes within the Sports Union, and constantly provide feedback to staff to make sure we are delivering what the students want! They are also a huge part of the delivery of Freshers week to make sure our clubs can welcome as many new students as possible and we can improve the student experience of as many people as possible!
How does the voting system work?
This isn’t simple! But the concept is! With multiple people running for roles with one position, it allows you to put an order of preference. Similarly, for Exec, where there are six positions available, it allows you to support multiple candidates rather than selecting just one favoured candidate! Check out this video to find out more…