Please Note: Some candidates are standing for both the Vice President and for the Executive Officer role. The votes for the Vice President position will be counted first and then the Executive Officer roles. The votes for a candidate in the Vice President role will not count towards their election as Executive Officer and vice versa. You can, however, vote for the same candidate in both elections. Votes for a candidate that is removed from the Exec race, due to winning the VP position will be transferred on to the 2nd, 3rd choice of the voter etc. so are not wasted.

Alex Chan-Taylor (Badminton Club)

Badminton Club President (22/23 + incoming for 23/24), SU Lead Ambassador (22/23), Table Tennis Club + Team (22/23), Netball Club + Team (19/20), Badminton Club Captain (20/21), SU Event Ambassador (20/21).

Favourite Sporting/SU Moment: A very recent moment!! Winning the badminton conference cup final against our rivals Edi, meaning the team has done the double – and done so without losing a single game!!

Course of Study: Languages (Interpreting and Translation)

Why are you standing for the role? My whole university experience has been shaped by the SU. After the pandemic and a year abroad, it has been so amazing to be back and to be part of a SU that is so close knit. I have so much passion for not only my club, by the SU as a whole and I want to be able to help both returning members and new students to have as much of the same opportunities and experiences as I have had.

Jade Vincent Borde (Cheerleading & Volleyball Club)

Current Health & Wellbeing Exec 22/23, Cheerleading Club Social Secretary for 2 consecutive years, Ambassador 22/23.

Favourite Sporting/SU Moment: Nothing is more fun for a French gal than a Sports Ceilidh ! Been attending since my first year and it gets funnier every time!

Course of Study: 4th Year of an Mchem Chemistry with Biochemistry.

Why are you standing for the role? The Sports Union has taught me valuable lessons that I will forever carry on. The joy of sharing passions, wins and great values with such incredible people is something I’d love to continue working on, alongside this awesome community. In the many roles I’ve endorsed in the SU I have developed a great attention to detail, communication and organisation; skills that I believe make me the best fit for SU VP!