WattMark is the Sports Union’s club accreditation scheme, designed to support, guide and drive the sustainability and development of our clubs.

There are four levels ranging from Qualified, up through Bronze and Silver to the very top level, Gold. Clubs are assessed over a full calendar, rather than academic, year and therefore success in WattMark requires a smooth transition from one club committee to the next. This is critical for the sustainability and stability of every club.

The grading system is cumulative and therefore a club that is awarded Silver, for example, will have achieved all Qualified, Bronze and Silver criteria.

  • QUALIFIED: 16 criteria that encompass basic best practice, including attending SU meetings and staying debt-free.
  • BRONZE: 7 criteria that ask for additional engagement, such as hosting a club taster session for new students.
  • SILVER: 3 criteria that are largely focused on communication and the profile of the club.
  • GOLD: 6 criteria that require clubs to demonstrate how they are living the values of Belong, Collaborate, Inspire and Celebrate. An evidence-based application must be submitted to the Sports Union Executive who will assess the quality and decide on the final award.